Bont Riot Makes the Podium in Redbull's Review


Bont Riot Review

Redbull reviwer had this to say about BONT Riot Buckle shoes:
Woaaaahhhh, woaaaaahhh! I predict Bont Riot…
...will become your new favourite cycling shoe.
Lairy, lightweight and with an appealing price tag, these are a solid set for the beginner who can extend their budget. The most interesting aspect of the Riot Buckles is that you can mould them to your exact foot shape – ideal if you don’t have a ‘standard’ trotter. Simply bung them in a cool oven at 70 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes and, once cool enough to touch, slot them on and wait for the magic to happen.
Check the full range of BONT Riot Buckle shoes on our website.